Spill or Illegal Discharge Report

 Step 1 of 1

City of Davenport Staff Use Only.

Use this form to document an emergency spill and/or illegal discharge. 

An emergency spill is defined as the release, spill, or overflow of any hazardous substance on a surface, reaching, or potentially reaching a creek, stream, or storm intake in the City of Davenport.  

An illegal discharge is any non-stormwater discharge (not necessarily a hazardous substance) to the storm drain system. 

The purpose of this form is to collect the data necessary to report hazardous substance spills and illegal discharges in the City of Davenport in accordance with reporting requirements of Iowa Code Chapter 131 and the City’s Iowa DNR NPDES permit 82-22-0-05.

* Denotes a required field
Date and Time Received*
Date and Time of the Onset of the Condition, if known. If unknown, enter 01/01/24 at 01:05.*
Date and Time the Condition was Discovered. If same as the onset, enter 01/01/24 at 01:05.*
Select the type of spill or discharge*

DNR Notification. Within 6 hours of onset or detection of a hazardous substance release notify the Iowa DNR regional wastewater staff by telephone at 515.725.8694. The Emergency Spill Report must be submitted to the IDNR within 30 days of the occurrence.

Date and time hazardous material incident reported to the IDNR rep. If not a hazardous material incident, enter 01/01/24 at 01:05.*