Roofing, Siding, Windows & Doors Permit App

 Step 1 of 1

Use this form for Roofing, Siding, Windows & Door Replacements only. 

Application Process. Complete and submit this form when requesting a building permit. Staff will process the application and send an invoice for applicable fees once approved. A permit will be issued and sent to applicant upon receipt of payment. 

Questions? Contact our building staff at 563.326.7745 during business hours Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except holidays. 

Find more information on building and construction requirements at

Use this link for details on the fee schedule

Other Code Requirements. Be advised, additional regulatory requirements and permits may apply to projects located in the floodplain, locations listed on Davenport’s Registry of Landmark Property, and locations on the National Historic Registry. Building staff will advise applicants of any additional codes that may apply.

* Denotes a required field

Enter Contractor # Provided by the City and the Contractor Name (when entering contractor name the system will pull a list to select from). Homeowners should enter 1000 for # and Homeowner in the Contractor Name Field.


Project Location & Description


Property Owner Information

Owner Zip*
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.

Project Contact

Contact Phone #*
-- ext

Project Type

Project Type (Check all that apply)*
New/Addition Residential*

Roofing. Enter all that apply. Enter N/A if not applicable.


Siding. Enter N/A if not applicable.


Replacement Windows & Doors


Project Costs


By submitting this application at the button below, I certify that all information submitted is true and correct.