City Supplemental Specifications (Engineering, Design, & Construction)

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The City of Davenport is interested in feedback from its Engineering, Design and Construction Communities. As you may be aware, Iowa SUDAS has proposed amendments out for review. Our staff are reviewing these changes and our own set of City Supplemental Specifications at the same time, with the goal of releasing updates to both sets of specifications in late December 2023 to mid-January 2024.

Find the current documents at Find proposed SUDAS changes at If you would like to comment on the proposed SUDAS amendments or the City’s current supplemental specifications, please use the form below. Please provide feedback by November 30, 2023, for consideration in this round of updates.

Watch for information on the finalized supplementals in late December 2023 to mid-January 2024, along with seasonal construction reminders.

Remember, you can sign up to receive notices of updates by subscribing to the “City Standard Specification” container at

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Please provide contact information if you welcome discussion on your submission.
