Key Request - City Staff

 Step 1 of 1

Complete and submit the form below to request key(s) for City staff.  Someone from Facilities Maintenance will be in touch. 

* Denotes a required field

Employee Key(s) is Requested for


Manager or Supervisor of Employee


Location(s) Key(s) Requested For - Use Other For Desk and Office Specific Keys

Annie Wittenmyer Campus

Select the Key(s) Needed 

City Hall

Select Key(s) Needed 

Freight House Complex

Select Key(s) Requested 

Ground Transportation Center

Select Key(s) Needed 

Marquette Facility

Select Key 

Parking Ramps

Select Key(s) Needed 

Public Works Center (PW, DNS, ECP)

Select Key(s) 


Select Key 

Union Station

Select Key(s) Needed 


By submitting, the requestor acknowledges the employee receiving the key(s) understands they are accepting full responsibility for the key upon issue. The employee further understands that keys issued are not to be loaned or given to any other person or employee, and upon termination of employment, the key must be surrendered to a Facilities Maintenance representative, Supervisor, or Manager. Additionally, the employee understands there is a $20 charge for replacing a lost key.