Application for Designated Parking for Persons with Disabilities (Residential)

 Step 1 of 1

PWD Parking SignDesignated (signed) parking for Persons with Disabilities (PWD) may be provided on residential streets when it is necessary to provide reasonable access to the vehicle of a disabled person.  Generally, installation of a signed Persons with Disabilities Parking Zone will not be granted on those occasions where the disabled person is not the vehicle operator or where it is feasible for the vehicle to be parked off-street (in a driveway).

Use the form below to apply for an on-street Persons with Disabilities Parking Zone, or to let us know you have moved or no longer need the Persons with Disabilities Parking parking space.

Questions?  Contact Traffic Engineering at 563.326.7923.

* Denotes a required field
Application Type*
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Applicant Phone #*
-- ext
Type of Persons with Disabilities Identification*