Tree Trimmer License Application

 Step 1 of 1

Tree Trimmer License Application

City Ordinance Chapter 8.14

Please complete form below.  After all approvals are complete you will be sent an invoice for your business license.

* Denotes a required field

General Information

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Business Phone*
-- ext
Cell Phone 
Business Start Date*
Website URL 

Owner's or Principal's Name(s)

Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Owner Phone 1*
-- ext
Second portion of ZIP Code is optional.
Owner 2 Phone 
-- ext

Previous Licensing Information

Have you ever applied for this type of license before?*
Has your license ever been revoked?*
If so, when? 
Notes –

• Bond Required - Any license applicant shall deposit with the clerk a good and sufficient bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars conditioned that such applicant shall faithfully comply with the provisions of this chapter, and further conditioned to indemnify, save and keep harmless the city and its officers from any and all claims, damages, losses and actions, by reason of any acts or things done under or by authority or permission granted in this chapter.
• Liability Insurance Required - Any license applicant shall deposit with the clerk a policy of public liability insurance in the amounts of not less than fifty thousand dollars for damage to any one person, one hundred thousand dollars on account of one accident or event, and property damage coverage of not less than twenty-five thousand dollars which covers the licensing period. The policy shall provide that it cannot be terminated for any cause without fifteen days advance notice to the city. Upon receipt of a cancellation notice the city license shall be null and void.
• Compliance with Iowa Workmen's Compensation Law - Any license applicant shall deposit with the clerk satisfactory evidence of compliance with the requirements of the Iowa Workmen's Compensation Laws.

Fee - $50.00 Charge Code 0213